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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Application of the binocular pupillometry in evaluation of age features of autonomic asymmetry
A.V. Kutenеv, B.B. Radysh, Yasin Iyad Afif Ahmed, V.A. Li
The purpose of the study - an analysis of indicators of binocular pupillometry with autonomic asymmetry for the selection of age parameters.
The study involved 214 people (118 women and 96 men) aged between 17 and 90 years old. All surveyed held binocular pupillometry on the unit «DM - 2010 Iritech», followed by the automatic analysis of the results.
Еhere is a more pronounced elongation and weakening of the pupillary reaction to light.
The asymmetry factor of almost all indicators pupillogramm decreased from younger to older age, with a consequent increase in the older age groups. The amplitude of the pupillary reflex was of the greatest value in the young and the subjects decreased with age.
Pages: 12-14
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