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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Detection technology of metal toxicosis risk in the pediatric population (case study of Northwest federal district)
A.V. Skalny, V.Ju. Detkov, A.R. Grabeklis, E.S. Berezkina
A multi-element analysis of hair of children living in the North-West Federal District. We examined 1,995 children (1,017 girls and 978 boys) (20042010). Based on the results of the analysis were identified priority issues for the North-West Federal District toxic elements-pollutants. The degree of prevalence among children was estimated. Child population in the North-West of Russia to a greater extent than in the Central Federal District is at risk of metal toxicosis, as indicated by the higher frequency of exceedances of biologically acceptable level and conditionally biological acceptable level of Pb, Al, Cd, As, Ni in the hair.
Pages: 3-6

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