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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Relationship between endotelin-1, von willebrand factor and platelet status indices in patients with coronary artery disease
E.I. Sokolov, R. Shtin, N.V. Bayurova, V.V. Vikentyev, A.G. Goncharova, L.H. Bragin, А.Е. Severin
In modern domestic and foreign literature many works indicating participation of immunity mechanisms in pathogenesis of many diseases of cardiovascular system, including the coronary heart disease (IBS) which morphological substratum in most cases is atherosclerotic defeat of coronary vessels are executed. We carried out a comprehensive evaluation of cellular and humoral immunity, nonspecific inflammation markers and their relationship to the thickness of the intima-media of the carotid arteries and the impact of changes in these parameters on the nature of coronary artery disease. The study included 44 patients with chronic forms of coronary artery disease and 35 healthy individuals. Shows the activation of predominantly innate immunity, subpopulations of T-lymphocytes responsible for the production of proinflammatory cytokines in patients with coronary artery disease. A positive correlation between the level of C-reactive protein, circulating immune complexes, the thickness of the intima-media of the carotid arteries, and CD4 + CD25 +-T-lymphocytes, CD56, 16 + - NK-cells in patients with coronary artery disease and the severity of coronary artery disease, angina functional class and the development of coronary events. At sick IBS the changes of mainly congenital immunity which are showing in activation of NK lymphocytes (by CD16, CD 56), CD 4+CD25 +, with regulatory activity concerning synthesis are noted about - and anti-inflammatory cytokines, extent of change of the specified links of immunity reflects weight of a current of IBS. CRB is one of the most important prognostic markers of character of a current of IBS, development of complications. The thickness of a complex of intima-media of carotids arteries expressiveness of atherosclerotic defeat of an arterial wall and has prognostic value in character of a current of IBS.
Pages: 57-64

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