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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Daily changes hemodynamics of the uterus in women of reproductive age
D.V. Brunin
The circadian rhythms of uterine hemodynamics in healthy women of reproductive age in the different phases of the menstrual cycle was study. The study involved 46 healthy women aged 20-40 years in the autumn period. The surveys were carried out in the midfollicular phase for 6-8 days and the midluteal phase for 21-23 day of the menstrual cycle. Women had the length of the menstrual cycle of 25-30 days, the duration of menstruation 3-5 days, they were mild and painless. Established that the maximum and minimum blood flow in the uterine arteries were observed in the morning compared with the evening. Daily differences were statistically significant (p < 0,05). The average daily value of uterine blood flow in the midluteal phase was significantly higher than in the midfollicular (p < 0,001). It is shown that the daily dynamics of the systolic-diastolic ratio has a wave-like nature. Thus, the minimum value accounted for the morning period, and the maximum - for the evening. The average daily value of systolic-diastolic ratio in the midfollicular phase was significantly higher than in the midluteal (p < 0,001). It is revealed that the values of the peripheral resistance index (PI and IR) into both uterine arteries significantly decreased in the midluteal phase of the menstrual cycle and in the morning (p < 0,01). Thus, the result of chronophysiology research findings show undulated indicators uterine blood flow changes to various phase menstrual cycle during the day. In this case, the statistically significant diurnal and interfacial changes in peripheral resistance index (PI and IR) in both uterine arteries in healthy women of the reproductive age.
Pages: 23-26

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