350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Gender-specific psychophysiological indicators in the chronic stress state
A.V. Kutenеv, Yu. S. Usmanova, B.B. Radysh, I.A. Bittner
The purpose of research is the study of gender differences in psychophysiological responses of managers in chronic stress. A total of 218 healthy people, of whom 122 (53 women and 69 men) were the managers of different links in the network of hypermarkets in Moscow, 96 subjects (46 women and 50 men) in the control group. They were divided into groups according to sex, age, length of service raboty. All assessed psychological status using a scale self-trait anxiety of Spielberger-Hanin and using color Lusher elections. Psychological status caused by psycho-emotional exhaustion with frequent acute stress and other adverse conditionsPersons in this group need to be mandatory psychological treatment. Increasing seniority causes emotional distress, fatigue and anxiety. The deformation of the emotional development of the individual. Psychological distress provokes disease and reduces satisfaction profession. Significant features of the psychological status, depending on length of service and sex were found. Psychological status determines stress. In this connection it is important and necessary assessment of stress in individuals of the profession.
Pages: 13-17

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