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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Intermittent normobaric hypoxic exercise world-class athletes in preparation for the championship integrated Russia
A.V. Kim, S.A., Telenkov, I.V. Radysh
The modern sport of high achievement, makes to the body of athletes is extremely high demands, and before the coach and the doctor puts a very complex problems ¬ - to increase endurance athletes to the maximum physical and mental stress and it does not cause the body to the disruption of adaptation mechanisms. Since the 60s of last century, along with the traditional training received dissemination of training in the mountains or in hyperbaric chambers. With the accumulation of experience specialized commentators have concluded that training in the mountains and have a negative side: hypo-barium, high solar radiation, high air ionization, significant temperature fluctuations and other alternative was intermittent normobaric hypoxic training of athletes. The study involved eight masters of sports of international class rowing (men born 1982-1989 gg.) Intermittent normobariche-Skye hypoxic training was conducted at the facility «Edelweis» by «Metax» (Moscow) twice a day in preparation for the championship of Russia. To a rate of intermittent normobaric hypoxic training in the middle of the course and after it was carried out to define a number of hematological, biochemical parameters of blood and trace elements. Found that in the process of hypoxic training there was a significant increase in the concentration of hemoglobin, glucose, significantly decreased the level of creatine kinase, cortisol, transaminases. The positive effect of intermittent normobaric hypoxic training on biochemical parameters of blood sports of international class (rowing), points to the active involvement of complex mechanisms of compensation and adaptation during extreme physical exertion that it possible to increase the basis of performance and resilience to stressful situa-tions taking place in the major championships.
Pages: 8-12

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