350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Features element status of thyroid laboratory animals in orthotopic hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
S.V. Miroshnikov, S.V. Notova, A.B. Timasheva, O.V. Kvan
This article is devoted to the study of the elemental composition of the thyroid glands of laboratory animals in orthotopic hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.The study was performed on 45 male rats laboratory "Wistar", weighing 100 to 250 grams. In order to study the elemental composition as a biological substrates used samples of thyroid tissue. Using mass spectrometry, and atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled argon plasma content of 25 investigated the chemical elements in the thyroid gland. First obtained data on the characteristics of chemical elements in the thyroid glands of rats in experimental hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. It was found that rats with experimental hyperthyroidism in thyroid had a significantly higher content of Ca, Co, Ni, Hg and significantly lower Si compared with the control. In the thyroid gland hypothyroid rats were significantly higher levels of Cr and V, and significantly lower values of I and Si compared with the control. Animal experimental groups were significantly different content Ca, Mg, P, Cu, As, Se, V, Zn, Hg, Al and Sn in the thyroid gland. The dependence of the pool most of the chemical elements contained in the thyroid gland of its functions. It is suggested that the influence of thyroid status on the mineral composition of the thyroid gland to the prevailing influence of experimental hypothyroidism, mainly for the maintenance of essential and conditionally essential trace elements in the thyroid glands of laboratory animals.
Pages: 3-7


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