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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Arterial hypotension in young adults
T.I. Mansur, N. Mansur, G.I. Alekseyev, E. I.Rusanova
Arterial gipotenzia (hypotonia) - low blood pressure due to a reduction in vascular tone and (or) the weakening of the work of the heart, until hypotonic crisis. Medicine is not attached to this disease due importance, but it may be the result of nervous overstrain, is often develops as a consequence of infectious and other diseases, when there is insufficient or erratic power, restrictive diets, imbalance in the ratio of hours of rest and work People prone to chronic arterial hypotension (CAH), as a rule, are not subject to such high risk of cardiovascular complications, as hypertension, therefore, arterial hypotension has been given much less attention. Vegetative-vascular dystonia (IRR) is the most common cause of CAH, especially among young persons. IRR for hypotension-s type can be primary or secondary - in the face of acute or chronic disease. Primary (or \"idiopathic or essential) hypotension. Secondary arterial hypotension occurs on the background of other diseases such as stomach ulcer, anaemia, arrhythmias, alcoholism, diseases of the endocrine system and others. In accordance with the purpose and objectives were surveyed young people aged 18 to 35 years. Viewed 160 patients, many of them are women - 115, men - 45. The examination of young persons with CAH or IRR on hypotension-s type (n=160) was identified accompanying pathology. Measured velocity values of blood flow in the common carotid arteries (OCA) and vertebral arteries (PA). Were identified such change, as a reduction in systolic blood flow velocity (SCC) in comparison with the norm. Change the speed of the blood flow in the basin of the more developed in the light of accompanying diseases.
Pages: 55-58


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