350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Model biological systems and the method of evaluation of spontaneous and initiated by the oxidative modification of proteins in the pool average weight molecules
N.V. Besruchko, G.K. Rubsov
The study of oxidative modification of proteins (OMP) can be performed based on the reaction with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, is a reagent for carbonyl compounds. The base model of the biological system (MBS) for relevant research can serve yolk lipoproteins in a spontaneous and Fe2+-induced oxidation. Another series of MBS were the bee products (propolis, homogenate drone brood, honey, royal jelly) as a test system, with antioxidant properties. MBS considered adding serum rats as biological environment, sensitive to changes in the conditions of free-radical processes. Purpose - to justify the biological model system to test the method for assessing spontaneous and initiated by the oxidative modification of proteins in a pool of molecules of average weight. Justification MBS to test method for assessing spontaneous and initiated by OMP in a pool of MSM conducted in the following series of observations: 1) in the MBS with the addition of yolk lipoprotein and without the addition of yolk lipoproteins in the spontaneous and Fe2+-induced oxidation, and 2) the IBS with and without the addition of serum the blood of rats with spontaneous and Fe2+-induced oxidation, and 3) the IBS with and without the addition of yolk lipoprotein and serum of rats with spontaneous and Fe2+-induced oxidation. The biochemical characteristics of possible MBS through a comparative evaluation in terms of spontaneous and initiated by OMP in a pool of MSM to support the possible use of their complex. Is set at the analyzed model of biological systems to the conditions of Fe2+-induced oxidation, which showed changes in levels of analyzed tests, compared to spontaneous oxidation.
Pages: 46-50


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