350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The influence of ozonation on the physiological state of air traffic controllers
A.M. Pashayev, S.D. Razumovsky, T.I. Nizamov, B.M. Mirzoyev, A.A. Aliev
Studied the effect of low doses of ozone (7-9 ppb) in the workroom on the physiological state of the air traffic controllers with different ability to psychological "relaxation" during the work day. Changes in their functional state was evaluated using the amplitude-phase analysis of low amplitude ECG fluctuations (state of the myocardium), changes in blood pressure, rate of sensorimotor reactions. It was found most of the analyzed values at the end of the day were matched with their original level, which can be associated with a beneficial effect of the products of ozone reactions with unsaturated components of the respiratory tract epithelium.
Pages: 33-38


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