350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Prevention of straike
T.I. Mansur, N.V. Sturov, N. Mansur, V.I. Kuznetsov, E.E. Rejova
This article is about risk factor of progressing of insult. Stroke is one of the most serious complications of hypertension. The main task of the family doctor - primary prevention of cerebrovascular events, including stroke, which should be based on the early detection of risk factors and its potential relief of their negative impact in the first place, such as hypertension and atherosclerotic gipertanicheskaya encephalopathy (DE), diabetes and etc. The aim of our work: an analysis of stroke in patients with hypertension in a clinic. Identified risk factors for stroke: hypertension in 70 people (from88), diabetes in 38, cardiac arrhythmias (MA) in 21, Marked a significant stenoses MAG 8 people, cerebral aneurysms in 3 people, obesity in 4 people. Antihypertensive therapy was carried out on a regular basis in 66% of patients were irregular in 21 %. Patients and not performed in 13 % of patients. The results showed that hypertension is one of the major risk factors for stroke. Active identification and adequate treatment of patients with an arterial hypertension in the conditions of policlinic has to be one of the directions of the prevention of a stroke, i.e. its prevention. Regular measurement of arterial pressure and treatment by antigipertenzionny therapy of persons of suffering AG that is an important link of primary and secondary prevention of a stroke is necessary. Systolic the АД should be reduced to target level <140 mm of mercury, and diastolic <АД of up to 90 mm Hg, these levels are associated with a lower risk of stroke and cardiovascular complications in accordance with Russian Federation guidelines for primary prevention of stroke. Modern selection of therapy and timely started correct treatment significantly reduces the risk of developing cerebrovascular complications.
Pages: 57-59


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