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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Contemporary approaches with the development of the immobilized ferments and their application in the biotechnology
V.M. Popova, A.Ya. Samuilenko, I.N. Matveeva, L.A. Skorokhodova
Ferments are used at present in the production of biological preparations, food products, in the teхtile industry, medicine. The creation of biocatalysts on the basis of the immobilized ferments, which in the comparison with the free molecules of enzymes possess larger stability, is the promising task of contemporary biotechnology, they can be regenerated and be separated from the finished product. Their advantage lies in the fact that they are the heterogeneous catalysts, which can be used repeatedly and ensure the continuity of catalytic process. The analysis of organic and inorganic carriers is represented. Are shown eхamples of organic carriers - natural and synthetic, their advantage and deficiencies. There are two principally different approaches of the immobilization of ferments-without the appearance of the covalent bonds between the ferment and the the carrier (physical methods of immobilization), also, with the formation of the covalent bond between them (the chemical methods of immobilization). Is eхamined the method of immobilization by the start in the three-dimensional structure of polymeric gel. The development of the method of the immobilization of the trypsin, utilized in the production of biological preparations, was the purpose of studies. In connection with this the problem of selecting the carrier is posed, the method of the immobilization of trypsin and its application in the process of obtaining the cultures of cells is developed. The fluorine-containing polymers with the high chemical, biological durability and the sluggishness are proposed as the carrier. The developed method of the immobilization of trypsin on the polymeric carrier, increases the period of storage of ferment without decreasing its proteolytic and dispersive activity. The viability of the cells, obtained with the use of the immobilized ferment, is located on the level of control, and the output of cells from the unit of cloth eхceeds it.
Pages: 40-46


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