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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Evaluation of hyperhomocysteinemia and induced hyperlipidemia affecting endothelium functions in patients with coronary artery disease
E.I. Sokolov, S.P. Shtin, N.B. Bayurova, V.V. Vikent-ev, A.G. Goncharova, L.H. Bragin
Initiating stage of development of atherosclerotic defeat of coronary vessels is dysfunction an endoteliy which arises under the influence of these or those factors of environment which are called as risk factors of IBS, being shown as an imbalance between vazodilatation and vazokonstriktor effects of these or those biologically active substances. We have studied the nature of the effect of risk factors such as induced hyperlipidemia, and hyperhomocysteinemia induced by the functional state of vascular endothelial cells in ischemic heart disease. The study included 44 patients with chronic forms of coronary artery disease and 40 healthy individuals. In a study in patients with coronary heart disease found Manifestation available atherogenic changes in the lipid-transport system of the blood under the influence of induced hyperlipidemia, positive correlation between the severity and extent of violations of atherogenic increase of endothelin-1, reflecting the vasoconstrictive potential. Peripheral blood levels of homocysteine reliably reflect the severity of coronary artery disease, the presence of its complications. Lipid loading at sick IBS reveals a manifistation of atherogenous shifts already available on an empty stomach in a lipid - transport system of blood. Positive correlation communication between expressiveness of atherogenous violations in plasma of blood and extent of increase of level of endothelin - 1, reflecting vazokonstriktor function an endoteliy is revealed. Level of of homocysteine blood reflects character of a current of IBS. The simultaneous assessment of level of homocysteine blood plasma, endothelin-1 - atherogenous changes of a lipidny range of plasma of blood and induced by food loading allows in earlier terms and more precisely to predict character of a current of IBS against influence of the specified risk factors.
Pages: 31-39


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