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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Differential diagnostics of anemic syndrome in oncologic patients
G.N. Zubrikhina, V.N. Blindar
There were studied 250 patients: 223 oncological patients and 27 patients with iron deficit anemia (IDA). Among oncological patients light grade of anemia predominated (148 cases), moderate and heavy grade of anemia took place in 13,5% patients. The basic group of patients (150) was formed with the chronic (malignant) anemia (CMA) patients and was characterized as a normocytic normochromic anemia with high or normal level of Ferr and low or normal sTRf level and high content of RET-HE. Iron deficiency was revealed in 33% (73) patients: in 52 patients with Ferr level less than 20 ng/ml and 21 patients with Ferr level within 30-50 ng/ml which as the chronic (malignant) disease group with the iron deficiency were evaluated. The low RET-HE level obtained in 54 patients with normocytic normochromic anemia with high Ferr level could be connected with the low hemoglobin level in reticulocytes in peripheral blood and was assessed as the functional ferrum deficiecy in CMA patients. In 82,7% of patients an EPO deficiency was revealed regard to the grade of hypoxemia in CMA though in IDA EPO content corresponded to the grade of hypoxemia (92,5% cases) in anemia that could be the evidence the bone marrow erithropoietic lack.
Pages: 64-69
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