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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Novel glucocorticoid receptor ligands: modified steroids and non-steroids selective agonists
E.A. Lesovaya, K.I. Kirsanov, G.A. Belitsky, I.V. Budunova, M.G. Yakubovskaya
Clucocorticoids (GC) present the classical anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and immunomodulating compounds. Specific cytotoxic effect in lymphoid cells these hormones are widely used in the chemotherapy of hematopoetic malignancies. High doses of glucocorticoids are necessary to decrease the number of leukocytes and lymphocytes in the acute phase of disease and to effectively induce remission. Successful remission consolidation requires glucocorticoid treatment in lower dosage as well. However, the chronic treatment with GC can also lead to a number of metabolic complications (such as osteoporosis, diabetes, Ichenko-Kushing syndrome, water-salt metabolism imbalance etc), which limit the GC usage in clinic. Thus, the development of the new glucocorticoid receptor (GR) ligands with improved therapeutic index and decreased side effects is of a great importance nowadays. Such compounds could be a better alternative to the standard GC during the treatment of patients with hematological malignancies as well as many other diseases.
Pages: 27-32
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