350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Compact autonomous cryodestructors «KM-01» and «KM-02»
A.F. Bobrikhin, A.G. Gudkov, D.I. Tsyganov, V.V. Shafranov
Clinically, the tumors are lesions of growths of abnormal tissue which cells are composed ofdamaged genetic material (DNA).Treatment method depends on tumor type and location and general condition of the patient. Traditional methods of surgical removal of pathological entities are ineffective, difficult to achieve and very hard tolerated often. Cryosurgical removal of the tumor is the most effective. The damage in tissue is a rapidly emerging, not bleeding, and clear-cut necrosisin the case of the cryosurgical procedure. Capillaries and small blood vessels are destroyed with the formation of intravascular thrombi and leukocytes extravasates and erythrocytes and the large arteries and veins remain intact because of its resistance to freezing. Formation due to cryonecrosis has no appreciable negative effects on the entire body. Local reaction around tissue lesion is minimal. Almost all tissues are regenerated without formation of hypertrophic and keloid scars that excludes significant functional impairment and cosmetic defects. Cryoablation of living tissue based on cell death due to the increase concentration of intracellular fluids when cells dehydration, the destruction of the cells and their membranes due to the formation of ice crystals in cells and in the intercellular space, lack of blood supply due to the obliteration of microvessels in frozen tissue. During the investigations it became clear that the cryoablationdoes not always guarantee the absolute death of abnormal tissue. Destructive capabilities of cryogenic exposure is limited loss of small amounts of near-surface tissue and power increase ofcryosystem not guarantee positive results.The result of treatment depends on the state of the tissue but not on the capacity of the cryogenic system largely.Factors such as the physical structure of the tissue, its thermal conductivity, heat capacity and density, a state of free and bound water, and processes both in the tissue and the body as a whole affect the cryoablation. Optimal refrigerant for cryosurgery is liquid nitrogen which has a low boiling point (-196ºC), sterile, non-toxicity, lack of smell and inertness to biological tissues. However, the necessary cooling rate can be obtained only by means of special cryogenic apparatus. The team from Hyperion Ltd. developed compact autonomous cryodestructors «KM-01» and «KM-02» for the removal of small amounts of abnormal tissue, infiltrates, human neoplasms (warts, fibromas, papillomas, hemangiomas, keratoses, warts, senile lentigines, capillary veins, tattoos, nevi, ameloblast, epulis, keloid scars and other types, etc.) in dermatology, cosmetology, dentistry, oncology, surgery, gynecology, otolaryngology. Cryo destructors successfully tested at FilatovChildren City Clinical Hospital № 13, Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute, JSC «Medicine».
Pages: 39-46
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