350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Polymorphism of CYP2E1*5B, alcohol and suicide
L.A. Radkevich, L.A. Piruzian, A.V. Sintsov, A.S. Kabankin, K.S. Gulazizova, I.S. Nikolaeva, D.A. Radkevich
With the use of Spearmen rank order correlation coefficient significant positive correlation of mortality rates (MR) from a suicide with daily rates of consumption of alcoholic drinks (strong alcohol, wine and beer) in various age groups of men and women was established. Significant negative correlation of MR from a suicide of men and women in various age groups with frequencies of occurrence (FO) of polymorphic CYP2E1*5B gene alleles (rs2031920 T and rs3813867 C) was established. The degree of correlation association varies for different age groups, there are also gender differences. By means of stepwise multiple regression analysis statistically reliable two-parametrical regression models associating MR from a suicide of men and women with the rate of consumption of strong alcohol and FO of CYP2E1*5B gene allele rs3813867 C were constructed. All regression parameters in both models are statistically significant. On the basis of these regression models it is shown that it is possible to predict reduction of MR from suicides in Russia on 0,6 % and 6,8 % on the average at decreasing consumption of strong alcohol on 1 % and on 10 % accordingly.
Pages: 23-30
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