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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Influence of long reception of anticonvulsive preparations on elektroentsefalogramma's changes at children
V.V. Bulanova, L.G. Stamova, A.V. Gulin
The paper discusses different approaches to the appointment of anticonvulsants for epilepsy and the dynamics of the EEG in children associated with the treatment algorithm. The study included 102 children aged 2 years 7 months to 15 years (mean age 8 years 8 months) suffering from various forms of reliably diagnosed epilepsy. Surveyed long-term (one to seven years) accepted as anticonvulsant drugs valproic acid (depakin), lamiktal and finlepsin in various combinations. Analysis of interictal electroencephalograms rest states revealed that monotherapy depakin linear dependence of the degree of changes in the EEG of the dose: the higher the dose of Depakine, the greater the degree seen in the EEG beta-activity 25-40/sek frequency, as well as an increasing number of slow theta-waves. Therapy in combination with Depakine and Lamiktale accompanied by similar changes of EEG, and, above all, reducing the amplitude of alpha-rhythm in the background recording. The treatment combination Depakine+Lamiktale+Finlepsine caused disruption of the alpha-rhythm and led to a significant (more than 40 %) increase in the background recording of slow theta- and delta-waves. In general, visual analysis of EEG has allowed to live with detected 42.3 % of sick children taking anticonvulsants, mismatched character alpha-rhythm of the age norm (poly-rhythmic or low frequency (6-7 Hz)), and the other children in the resting EEG observed-оrganized dezor alphae-rhythm with a frequency of 8 to 10 Hz. Thus, the prolonged use of anticonvulsants is a decrease in epileptic complexes until their disappearance and disorganization and slowing down the basic rhythm of EEG background over the age norm in both mono- and polytherapy.
Pages: 59-64
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