350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Modern approaches to the management of children with HP-associated lesions upper gastrointestinal tract
O.N. Puchnina, O.Yu. Kolyagin, L.G. Stamova, A.V. Gulin
In the structure of morbidity of children gastroenterological pathology takes the second place, it is noted priority the defeat of upper parts of gastrointestinal tract. The paper discusses different approaches to the clinical-laboratory diagnostics and adequate choice of schemes of treatment of children with erosive and ulcerative lesions of gastroduodenal zone. 403 child with chronic erosive gastroduodenitis and 205 - with duodenal ulcer disease, from them 39 preschoolers and 569 children from 7 to 16 years, were included in this study. Diagnosis of HP-infection Express-method in addition to urease activity in biopsy specimen (HELPIL-test) and with the implementation of immunochromatographic express-test (ELISA) in detecting the antigen H. pylori in blood serum for the presence of the total anti-НРІg (G, A) showed the presence of HP-associated pathology in 82 % of patients. The coincidence of the results of serological method and HELPIL-test in primary screening for HP noted in 72,8% of cases. The study of the acidity of gastric juice revealed secretory activity and acidity of gastric juice was increased in 67,3% of the children, accompanied by a recurring erosion, high frequency of exacerbations and the development of complications. All children with HP-associated pathology have received the eradication of H. pylori treatments should use at least three associated drugs in combination with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) means. Obtained convincing clinical and laboratory data are a good therapeutic effect (and clinically, and endoscopically) eradication and adequate gastric acid secretion inhibition therapy so - called acid-related and H.pylori associated gastric diseases (gastroesophageal reflux disease, chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal peptic ulcer, chronic erosive gastroduodenitis) in children. By the time of discharge from the hospital full epithelization of erosions and ulcers of defects was noted in 97.2% of patients. Eradication of HP managed to achieve in 76% of cases. Therefore, the success of conservative treatment of destructive forms of chronic diseases of stomach and duodenum in children depends on accurate diagnosis of HP and the subsequent eradication, as well as from the determination of pH of gastric juice and adequate acid suppressive therapy.
Pages: 54-59
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