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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №4 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Application combined hypolipidemic management for correction cardiovascular risk and lewel glycemia in patients with metabolic syndrom
A.F. Apukhtin, L.I. Inina
The results of studying the characteristics of the dynamics of cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes with concomitant cardiovascular disease in the separate and combined use of statins and ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in relation to glycemic and blood clotting. A total of 40 patients with type 2 diabetes in the compensation stage and sub-compensation of carbohydrate metabolism. The average patient age was 63,2 ± 10,6 years. Following the randomized into two groups, patients in the first (primary) group (n = 20) in addition to basic therapy was prescribed «Aktalipid» daily dose of 20 mg and the drug «Ateroblok» at dose of 2 capsules (1 g) per day during the meal in the morning and evening. Patients of the 2nd (control) group was prescribed «Aktalipid» in the same daily dosage of the drug without "Ateroblok." The patients received basic therapy hypertension and coronary heart disease: enalapril, amlodipine, metoprolol, aspirin, nitrates, if necessary. As the glucose lowering therapies were used oral hypoglycemic agent sulfonylurea derivatives (glibenclamide) and / or a biguanide (metformin). The study lasted 12 weeks. In results 12 weeks combined hypolipidemic therapy with «Ateroblock» and «Aktalipid» in patients with metabolic syndrome - diabetes mellitus type 2 with arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease were obtained 6 % decrement HbА1с, efficiency 20 % decrement absolute cardiovascular risk, direct correlation between blood viscosity and high cardiovascular risk, negative correlation between blood viscosity and level glycemia, HbA1c. Different set of separate and combined effectiveness of the use of drugs «Aktalipid» and «Ateroblok» in adjusting for blood viscosity low and medium shear rates in patients with metabolic syndrome - type 2 diabetes with hypertension and coronary heart disease. A significant correlation between the rheological parameters of blood glycated hemoglobin, the source and target glycemia. Half of the group of patients receiving combination therapy «Ateroblokom» and «Aktalipidom» found significant reduction in the absolute, relative risk of cardiovascular events by improving the rheological parameters of blood «macrovascular» shear rate.
Pages: 57-65
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