350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №4 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Use of partial vertebroneurological biological age for estimation of adaptive possibilities of the organism
A.V. Kutenеv, B.B. Radysh, A.V. Uvarova, E.V. Fomicheva, V.A. Li
The purpose of this research is to study the quantitative evaluation of the adaptive capacity of the organism in degenerative diseases of the spine with the use of partial vertebroneurological biological age. We examined 198 people (107 women and 91 men) from 29 to 60 years with degenerative changes of the spine (diagnosis based on radiography, magnetic resonance and computed tomography). Biological age was assessed by visualization, clinical manifestations of spinal degenerative changes on physical performance, the rate of compensatory processes in degenerative changes of the spine. The advancing biological age of a certain clinical and morphological parameters and physical performance was in the majority of examinees. The index of compensatory fand adaptive processes was within 1.64 + 0.21 units, its lowest level was in the group with degenerative changes of the thoracic spine. The greatest advance of biological age by clinical and functional parameters were in groups with degenerative changes of the cervical and lumbosacral spine. A significant advance biological age on physical performance was in the group with degenerative changes of the lumbosacral spine. The correlation coefficient between vertebroneurological biological age and biological age, calculated from the physical performance had the highest rate in the group of examinees with degenerative changes of the lumbosacral spine. The index of compensatory and adaptive processes is less than 1.3 units reflects the high level of compensatory processes (stage of compensation), from 1.3 to 1.7 - medium level (stage of subcompensation), more than 1.7  the low level (stage of decompensation, with a reduced possibilities for work surveyed). The complex investigation made it possible to determine the tendency to progression, relapse due to disorders of compensatory mechanisms that reduce the duration of disability. Evaluation index of compensatory and adaptive processes makes it possible to form groups with the development of group and individual preventive and therapeutic measures.
Pages: 46-49
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