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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №4 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Dynamics of microrheology characteristics of erythrocyte in children 7-8 years with scoliosis with therapeutic physical training and massage
S.Y. Zavalishina, E.V. Nagibina
The development of scoliosis would inevitably affect the functioning of the internal organs and systems, causing irregularities in their work, including helping microrheology dysfunction badge of blood with the emergence of phenomena of hypoxia. Despite the prevalence of scoliosis and accompanying rheological breaches so far in the choice of means of correction curving junior high school students did not take into account their impact on cytoarchitecture and aggregation of erythrocytes. Still don't have the dynamics of these indicators in children 7-8 years with scoliosis by often used their medical fitness and massage, which indicates the relevance of the study of their impact on microrheology properties of red blood cells. The objective is to identify possible simultaneous effects of therapeutic physical training and massage for children 7-8 years with scoliosis at cytoarchitecture and aggregation of erythrocytes. The work established that scoliosis among primary school children results in the development of negative dynamics of surface properties of the form elements in blood, and including erythrocytes. Scoliotic violation of children 7-8 years inevitably coupled with the weakening of antioxidant activity and increasing the intensity of lipid peroxidation in the liquid part of blood. Products peroxide plasma lipids leads to reconstructions of erythrocyte membranes with an activity of ferments of antioxidant protection, causing their accumulation in lipid peroxidation products. As a consequence, the microrheology properties of red blood cells may deteriorate. The most pronounced changes are an increase of reversibly and irreversibly altered forms of erythrocyte diskocitov declining and increasing their ability to development of aggregation. Effect of erythrocyte is necessarily microrheology dysfunction disorder of Microcirculation in growing bodies of children. The study found that the use of therapeutic physical training and massage leads to optimizing rheological properties of erythrocytes. This correction is increased antioxidant protection of blood plasma, erythrocytes with the waning of lipid peroxidation. Application of combination of therapeutic semi-annual physical culture and massage rates closer to the level of indicators cytoarchitecture of erythrocytes of the monitoring group. Aggregation the ability of erythrocytes to background correction also has tendency to normalization, thereby reducing the risk of formation thrombus. Thus, during the 6 months use of therapeutic physical training and massage for children 7-8 years with scoliosis may significantly reduce the processes of lipid peroxidation in erythrocyte, significantly improving the performance of their citoarhitektoniki and aggregation, thereby optimizing the liquid properties of blood.
Pages: 29-34
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