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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №4 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Chronophysiological and stereofunctional aspects of adaptation and vegetative regulation in perimenopausal period
T.L. Botasheva, I.V. Radish, O.P. Zavodnov, M.A. Zakruzhnaya, А.V. Hloponinа, О.I. Rudovа
Studying mechanisms of formation of physiological and complicated climax is impossible without analyzing of adaptive processes in female organism, which are closely connected with the function of vegetative part of central nervous system. Since space and time are the main forms of matter, including biological matter, we can accept, that organization of living systems can be characterized by spatial and time patterns. That is why the main approach in studying adaptability and resistance of female organism is chronophysiological and stereofunctional approach. We studied peculiarities of central and peripheral parts of adaptation in dependence on chronophysiological and stereofunctional organization of female reproductive system, we also revealed chronolateral predictors of different functional deviations in preclimacteric and climacteric periods of ontogenesis. We found that normal vegetative supply increased in right-sided directivity of motor asymmetry of upper and lower extremities (the right sign «jog leg» and the right sign «interlocking fingers») (p=0,324) and left-sided directivity of sensomotor visual and auditory features of phenotype (left sign «shell» and left sign «aiming») and in chronotype «lark» (p=0,0216). Vegetative lability was accompanied by left «leading leg», left sign «interlocking fingers» and by left sensomotor visual test (left sign «keyhole») (p=0,0154), and by chronotype «arrhythmics» (p=0,0428). In comparative analyses of lateral behavioral phenotype features and gradations «presence» and «absence» of climacteric syndrome we revealed that only «width of little finger-s nail» (left-sided asymmetry of nails in women with mainly right features of phenotype) and sensomotor features «leading ear» and «leading eye» (multidirectional of acoustic and visual characteristics of the test) influenced the possibility of climacteric syndrome development (p=0,0346). The most optimal level of index of functional changes, that characterizes satisfactory adaptation of cardiovascular system, was in women with chronotype «lark» and right lateral profile. The most severe flow of climacteric syndrome and depression of adaptive potential were revealed in women with chronotype «owl» and right lateral behavioral phenotype, in women with chronotype «lark» and left lateral profile.
Pages: 8-12
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