350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Definition of natural antibodies to endogene to bioregulators in technologies of the estimation of risk at patients with the cardiological pathology
N.J. Kelina, T.J. Mamelina, L.N. Romanov, S.N. Petrochenko, M.A. Myagkov
In the conditions of cardiological branch investigation at 152 persons at the age from 41 till 75 years has been carried. Research materials samples of whey of blood of the patients, suffering served as cardiological diseases. In comparison group results of the kliniko-laboratory analysis are received. It is donors (21 persons) at which inspection functional and metabolic infringements aren't revealed. Definition of weight of a condition of an organism of the patient with a cardiological pathology by means of the kliniko-laboratory analysis leans against the system approach and uses accessible and at the same time informative indicators. At the same time, under the scientific data of some researchers the maintenance and repertoire of natural antibodies reflect biochemical individuality of a human body and represent thin and comprehensive system of regulation of a homeostasis at molecular level which co-ordinates the various processes occurring in an organism, by interaction with corresponding antigenes.
Pages: 61-66
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