350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Clinical and morphological comparisons in patients with lumbar dorsopathies
E.L. Sokov, L.E. Kornilova, O.P. Artukov, N.V. Nozdryuhina, N.A. Arsukhin
The study included 147 patients with lumbar dorsopathies and the chronic low back pain syndrome. The results of clinical and morphological of MRI comparisons in patients with lumbar osteochondrosis are performed. The dependence of between the duration of the disease, the number of exacerbations per year and the painful syndrome of a maximum size of the herniated disc and the number of intervertebral disc herniation in the lumbar level was studied. It had been shown that manifestation of low back pain syndrome is not depends of the maximum size of the intravertebral disc herniation. Chronically progression of the disease depends from the total morphological changes and sum of sizes of intravertebral disk hernia. It is concluded that the intravertebral herniation is not the cause of low back pain syndrome in patients with lumbar dorsopathies.
Pages: 56-61
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