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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Problem of modelling clinical situation at comparative experimental morphological assessment of the plastic osteotropic materials properties used in maxillofacial surgery
G.P. Ter-Asaturov, M.V. Lekishvili, A.T. Bigvava, A.S. Pankrtov, K.S. Adjiev, A.Yu. Ryabov, Yu.B. Yurasova
Saturation of Russian market medical services with new osteotropic materials in maxillofacial surgery poses a number of issues to practitioners. Questions primarily relate to quality of the materials. To find out their needs long-term clinical and experimental studies. Choosing an adequate experimental model often allows you to save material resources and to provide objective information learned in the experiment materials. In our study have been investigated osteotropic materials of Russian producers: - Osteomatrix","CollapAn","Osteoplast-T" and "Perfoost", "Osteomatrix" is a composition of natural collagen and hydroxyapatite (HAP) in combination with synthesized sulfated glycosaminoglycans (sGAG), "CollapAn" ? a combination of synthesized HAP, scleral collagen and some antibiotics (gentamicin, lincomycin, or other), "Osteoplast-T "consists of non demineralized animal bone collagen impregnated with sGAG, "Perfoost" ? is a partially demineralized allogenic bone. As experimental animals were chosen mature males rabbits "Chinchilla", which were made external access to the branch of lower jaw under general anesthesia and created identical cylindrical bone defects. Each animal five defects were implanted with four test material, fifth, which filled with blood clot was the control. Periods of the experiment were 10, 20, 30, 60 and 90 days. Plastic materials based on collagen and natural HAP showed the most pronounced osteoinductive properties to accelerate bone regeneration in our experimental model. The results of morphological studies have shown that the greatest osteoinductive and osteoconductive properties of the used materials have "Perfoost" and "Osteomatrix" Close to these properties is "Osteoplast-T". "CollapAn" did not contribute to the faster of reparative osteogenesis of the mandible defects. The healing of bone injuries slowed down, even when compared with control, which is apparently due to the slow resorption synthetic HAP.
Pages: 41-49
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