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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Changes in Hormonal and Elemental Profile in Healthy Women
I.V. Radysh, V.D. Brunin, T.N. Umnova
The results of the study of age-related changes in hormonal characteristics and element status in healthy women. 89 healthy women aged 18 to 45 years who were divided into three age groups. It is established that the serum level of parathyroid hormone, LH and FSH with age significantly increased, and calcitonin, progesterone and total testosterone levels - decreased (p < 0,05). The values of prolactin and estradiol levels increased significantly in the examined middle-aged compared with younger and decreased compared with the older groups (p < 0,05). It is established that the content of macro-and microelements in the range of physiological values. However, in the older age group had statistically significant increase in the concentration Ca, Mg, Fe and Cr, and reduced P, Cu, Mn, Se, Si, and Zn compared with the younger and middle groups (p < 0,05). Analysis of the data showed that the concentration of phosphate in whole saliva in 3-2,5 times higher than that of calcium. Therefore, saturation of hydroxyapatite saliva is produced by a high concentration of phosphate was observed in the youngest age group, the excess is in neutral and weakly acidic environment prevents the release of calcium and phosphorus from the enamel, thereby preserving some of the hard tissues of teeth. At the same time in the older age group showed a significant increase in Ca / P ratio (0,41 vs. 0,28 in the younger group, p <0.01), which is an unfavorable factor, as remineralization processes are not at an optimum level. Thus, the findings suggest age-related changes of hormonal status and elemental in healthy women of reproductive age
Pages: 61-64
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