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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The Changing of Clinical and Electroneuromyographic Parameters in the Treatment of Intraosseous Blockades in Patients with Painful Distal Symmetrical Diabetic Polyneuropathy
N.A. Arsyuhin, E.L. Sokov, L.E. Kornilova, N.V. Nozdriuhina
The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of intraosseous blockades and amitriptyline in treatment of patients with painful distal symmetrical diabetic polyneuropathy based on clinical and electroneuromyographic parameters. 40 patients suffering from painful distal symmetric diabetic polyneuropathy were under observation. They were divided into 2 groups: main and control, in 20 patients in each group respectively. In order to relieve pain the main group received intraosseous blockades in the combination with intravenous infusions of pentoxifylline and intramuscular injections of thiamine. In order to relieve pain the control group received tablets of amitriptyline 50 mg/day for 1 month in the combination with intravenous infusion of pentoxifylline and intramuscular injection of thiamine. The effectiveness of treatment was assessed by analyzing changes in clinical and neurological status, indicators of a visual analogue scale, the scale of TSS and the scale of NIS-LL, electroneuromyographic parameters before and after therapy. The patients had severe pain before treatment. In the main group it was significantly greater compared with the control group decrease in the intensity of pain and subjective symptoms. In the main group it was showed significant reduction in severity of symptoms on objective scale NIS-LL and improvement electroneuromyograhic parameters. The use of intraosseous blockades in the complex treatment of painful distal symmetrical diabetic polyneuropathy was significantly more effective than using the tablet form of amitriptyline. The reducing severity of neurological disorders under the influence of intraosseous blockades was confirmed an electroneuromyography
Pages: 40-47
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