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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Correlation Between Hemodynamic Parameters and Weather Factors in Patients with Different Level of Arterial Blood Pressure
R.M. Zaslavskaya, E.A. Shcherban, M.M. Tejblum
There were established correlation between basic hemodynamic factors and weather parameters in patients with different level of arterial blood pressure. For this aim there were investigated 43 patients divided into 3 groups. The first group had 14 patients with normal and reduced arterial blood pressure, the second - 13 patients with small increasing blood pressure, the third - 16 patients suffering from arterial hypertension stage II-III and receiving traditional antihypertensive treatment. Level of arterial blood pressure in the morning and evening during 3 weeks was examined and then correlation analysis between hemodynamic parameters and weather factors were done. The weather factors were received from server "Weather of Russia" (meteo.infospace.ru). 43 statistically significant correlation between hemodynamic factors and weather parameters were revealed in patients with normal and reduced arterial blood pressure. 45 correlation were revealed in patients with high normal blood pressure and arterial hypertension stage I. 143 correlation were revealed in patients with arterial hypertension stage II-III. Influence of weather factors in the morning parameters on diastolic blood pressure and mean blood pressure were the most in patients with normal and reduced arterial blood pressure. On the status of haemodynamics the most influence produced atmospheric pressure and high cloudiness. Air temperature and dew point most influenced on the hemodynamic parameters in patients with high normal blood pressure and arterial hypertension stage I. Morning parameters diastolic blood pressure, mean blood pressure and double product were more sensitivity to weather condition. Hemodynamic factors in patients with arterial hypertension stage II-III were the most sensitivity to weather condition. In most grad atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, direction and velocity of wind influenced on the hemodynamic parameters. The morning and evening parameters of systolic, diastolic, mean and pulse blood pressure were the most sensitivity to them. In the condition increasing level of blood pressure there were statistically significant increased meteosensitivity to weather conditions and their changes. This fact takes into account including in traditional antihypertensive treatment drugs with adaptogenic and meteoprotective activity
Pages: 32-40
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