350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Study of the Dependence of Cancer Incidence Rates in Different Ethnic Populations on the Geographical Latitude
Л.А. Пирузян, А.С. Кабанкин, И.С. Николаева, К.С. Гюльазизова, А.В. Синцов, Г.П. Сухинина, Д.А. Радкевич, Л.А. Радкевич
For 25 cancer types and 184 populations distributed between three groups, the qualitative analysis of association of cancer incidence rates with the geographical latitude of dwelling of a population was carried out. For the overwhelming majority of the considered cancer types (21 from 25) mean values of cancer incidence rates, and also total cancer incidence rates increase with increase in the geographical latitude of dwelling of a population. The role of insolation, synthesis of vitamin D3 and synthesis of melatonin in development of oncological diseases is discussed. Keywords: insidence of cancer 25 tipes, geographical latitude
Pages: 13-21
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