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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Clinical Value of Changes of the Homeostasis in Patients with Hodgkin-s Lymphoma at Phases of Rehabilitation after High-Dose Polychemotherapy
T.V. Davydova, V.B. Larionova, I.I. Matveeva
Intensity of processes of free-radical oxidations and infringements in antioxidant system have been studied in 24 patients with Hodgkin disease in rehabilitation period after high-dose polychemotherapy and stem-cell transplantation. Despite nonspecific character of infringements of the lipoperoxidation processes, deep metabolic changes of the antioxidant system protection in membranes of the cells was marked, especially expressed 1month after treatment. High descriptiveness of the laboratory indicators such as level of toxic MDA and activity of glutathione S-transferase in platelets for the forecast of efficiency of treatment and activity of glutathione peroxidase for the forecast of complications have been demonstrated
Pages: 66-75
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