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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Toxicity of L-Asparaginase Preparations and Experimental Approaches to Side Effects Reduction
V.S. Pokrovsky, M.V. Pokrovskaya, S.S. Aleksandrova, N.M. Omeljanuk, N.N. Sokolov
L-asparaginase from E. coli (EcA) has been an essential component of multiagent chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment for over 30 years. Although EcA is well-tolerated in most patients and causes little hematological toxicity, significant toxicities occur in up to 30% of patients. Hypersensitivity is the most common toxicity of EcA therapy and limits the further use of the drug. Other significant toxicities relate to the L-glutaminse activity and reduction in protein synthesis and include pancreatitis, thrombosis, central nervous system complications, and liver dysfunction. Experimental approaches to reduction of L-asparaginases toxixity, including the genetically engineered and chemically modified forms are described. From the clinical viewpoint, an investigation of L-asparaginases prepared from new sources seems to be warranted
Pages: 11-19
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