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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Syndrom of increased blood viscosity
I.A. Sokolova, V.B. Koshelev
This review examines researches on the blood hyperviscosity syndrome. The classical examples of hyperviscosity syndrome caused by increased concentration of fibrinogen, several globulin fractions and alteration of their structure and properties are described here. These altera-tions have complex character and they affect rheological properties of plasma and red blood cells in block. We pay special attention to the key blood corpuscles erythrocytes. We report about diverse consequences of hemorheological alterations and various compensatory reac-tions. We focus on the most severe and poorly compensated pathologies. Specific factors provoke nonspecific rheological deterioration which, in turn, causes an impairment of microcirculation and metabolic processes that corresponds to large group of diseases with different aethiolo-gy. The hyperviscosity syndrome is considered to be typical pathological process because microcirculatory disorders underlie diseases with different genesis.
Pages: 78-81
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