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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Study the localization of different types 5HT-receptors on neurons autonomic ganglia and on smooth muscle fibers of the colon
E.Y. Trofimova, V.M. Smirnov, D.S. Sveshnikov, A.V. Kuchuk
Experiments were performed in 61 Wistar rats anesthetized by nembual (60mg/kg) in 5 series. 273 motor responses of the bowel to intraarterial serotonin infusion (0.05, 0.1, 0.15 mg/kg) of the bowel were recorded in intact animals and during simultaneous blockade of adreno- and cholinoreceptors (in last case dosage of serotonin was 0.1 mg/kg). It was shown, that optimal serotonin dosage that provide pronounced motor effect of the colon was 0.1 mg/kg. The study of different 5-HT receptor subtype was performed during simultaneous blockade of α- and β- adrenoreceptors and M- and N- ACh-receptors for data confirmation. 5-HT1b- receptors blockade by NAS-181 and 5-HT3-blockade by MDL 72222 demonstrate the presence of current receptors in autonomous ganglia because positive motor responses to serotonin did not eliminate by using the blocker. 5-HT2- receptors blockade by SB 204741 and 5-HT4- receptors by RS 39604 blockade by neutralized reactions to serotonin so this is an evidence of 5-HT2, 5-HT4 locations in smooth muscles. These findings also confirmed the presence of serotoninergic structures that stimulate GI motility.
Pages: 69-73
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