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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Method for determining the biological age of pilot biochemical factors saliva
E.V. Malysheva, A.V. Gulin, K.I. Zasjadko
Assessment of biological age of the individual is an assessment of his health in those terms, which are based on the conception of the nature of aging: it is not a nosological general biological ("gerontological") diagnosis. Use of integral indicators in determining it is important to detect hidden trends in the development of a pathological process that leads to the disease, because these figures take into account both the degree of deviation from the norm of individual criteria, and the degree of violation of their interactions and relationships in the process of normal living organism .. The formulas for determining the biological age, using indicators such as total cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) in blood plasma. However, the use of venous blood sampling in the mass of research makes it very difficult to conduct because it requires specially equipped facilities, trained and certified personnel, a large number of disposable instruments. This requires the study of other human biological fluids and the development of noninvasive methods of biochemical analysis in real-world activities. In this regard, one of the most important alternatives to blood analysis is an analysis of salivary secretion, wherein a favorable direction easy sampling with complete safety to the health of the subject. However, to date no defined biochemical parameters of saliva, which could serve as a reliable indicator of the dynamics of the biological age of the pilot. The aim of the work was to study the possibility of using biochemical indicators of saliva to determine the integral criteria of biological age of flight professionals. The study involved 95 pilots of jet aircraft. All of them were determined by the method of biological age, developed at the Research Institute of Gerontology AMS USSR, and implemented in the program - the appa-ratus complex "Longevity", created in the VM GNIII Defense Ministry. Given the evidence of the most charac-teristic changes in metabolism in age-related changes in venous blood of the subjects was determined by to-tal cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, ALT, a value used to calculate the biological age of the subjects according to the formulas, adapted to this population of aviators. These biochemical parameters were determined in the salivary secretions of surveyed pilots. Were calculated the ratio between the concentrations of the test substances in plasma and saliva, the value of which amounted to cholesterol - 26.0, for triglycerides - 32.8, urea - 1.66 for ALT - 80.0. The values obtained were used as factors and included in the formulas and nomograms for calculating biological age on biochemical parameters salivary secretion. With those changes, the biological age was calculated for each subject on its biochemical parameters of saliva. Data from studies indicate a possible change of biochemical parameters of venous blood relevant para-meters obtained with the use as a diagnostic biological material mixed salivary gland secretion in determin-ing the biological age of aviation experts calculated using the already developed and tested the coefficients and indices of occupational health.
Pages: 58-63
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