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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Effect of dystrophic changes lumbosacral spine on indicators of biological age
A.V. Kutenyov, B.B. Radysh, E.V. Fomicheva, T.V. Fedorovskaja
The purpose of work is a study of the influence of degenerative changes of the lumbosacral spine on indicators of biological age. Based on these data to choose the parameters for the development of methods for determining the partial biological age, assessment of premature aging and its prophylaxis. A total of 187 patients with neurological departments symptomatic degenerative changes of the lumbosacral spine. To confirm the diagnosis and the clinical examination, instrumental methods. All of the patients was determined by the biological age of physical performance and functional characteristics. The degree of aging was evaluated by correlation with due biological age. All patients were divided into groups by age, severity of the changes of spine. We investigated the fol-lowing parameters: pain syndrome, the condition of the muscles, straightening or strengthening of the physiological lordosis, scoliosis, flexion, extension, rotation to the side, lateral tilt, rotation. Investigation of imaging features include morphological assessment of the degenerative changes of the spine. Proved significant positive significant correlation between the indices of biological age on physical performance and indicators of pain, muscle condition, disturbances in the dynamics of degenerative changes in lumbar spine. There is a direct significant correlation between rates of vi-sualization of dystrophic changes and indicators of impaired static and dynamic. Indicators se-lected neurological changes to develop methods for determining the morphological and functional pathology of biological age.
Pages: 39-42
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