350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Some aspects of demographic processes among Buryat and Russian population of the Eastern Zabaikalie
N.G. Gomboeva
The Zabakalie is the region suitable for mass resettlement, and which is characterized by the phy-siologically burdensome conditions. Natural climatic conditions of this region provoke stress of adaptation mechanisms, not only among newcomers but also the indigenous population. The evi-dences of it are high levels of a glaucoma rate, endemic diseases, the tuberculosis. However, Buryats have a higher degree of adaptation, than the russian population. This is ma-nifested in terms of natural movement of the buryat population. Mortality rates of Buryats were significantly lower than the birth rate during the research period (1994 - 2009 years) while the mortality exceeded the birth rate on at average in the region to 2007. Moreover, the infant mortality and the pathology of pregnancy are much lower among the buryat population on an aver-age. The threat of preterm birth among russian women is 7.4% of the cases, while among buryat women is 5.9%, fetal hypoxia 17%, 11%, respectively. Russian women give birth to children weigh-ing more than 3 kg in 39,9%, while buryat women - in 82,8% of cases of all live-born children. The dynamics of the length of human life in the region varies on an average. There was a de-crease of the length of life among Russians - to men from 62 to 58 years, and a rise of the length of life among women - to Buryat with 64,8 to 72.4 years (data from 1967 and 2000, respectively). Therefore it is necessary to develop a regional program to watch the health status by sex and eth-nic groups for taking adequate measures to safeguard public health.
Pages: 29-32
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