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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Features of biological age patients with dorsopathies
N.E. Komleva, A.A. Maryanovsky, I.I. Sholomov
Established feature of the biological age of patients with dorsopathies. At the same time determined the impact of gender, working and living conditions. Used the methodology developed in the Institute of Gerontology of the USSR (1990). Examined indicators of biological age in men and women with dorsopathies. In men over the accelerated pace of aging than women. Revealed that poor working conditions and permit the rapid pace of aging. To determine the correlation method was used Spearman. Found a strong correlation between the aging of dorsopathies and cervical spine, weak correlation between the aging of the thoracic and dorsopathies and moderate correlation between the degree of aging and dorsopathies lumbosacral. The correlations are statistically significant. Proved statistically significant strong correlation between aging and degenerative changes of the spine (radiology) at the level of the cervical and lumbar, thoracic level - moderate correlation. Determination of biological age appropriate to integrate into a system of preventive medicine, used for prophylaxis in persons who are at risk for the development of dorsopathies.
Pages: 15-19
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