350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
V.N. Ananev
Over 60% of the territory of Russia are regions where the prevailing annual low temperatures. Therefore, people are forced to undergo an annual process of adaptation to low temperatures. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate adrenoreactivity systemic pressure and ar-terial tone skin and muscle of the hind limbs of rabbits with a 30-day and cold adaptation. Cold exposure was carried out daily for 6 hours in a cooling chamber at a temperature of (-) 10'C, the rest of the rabbits were kept at a temperature of (+) 18-22'C. On the 30 th day of cold adaptation adrenaline increased its pressor effect on the arteries, which contributes to the conservation of heat during extreme cold. At the same time, the adrena-line on a 30-day cold reduced the pressor effect on systemic pressure and, therefore, sent the blood flow of the superficial vessels in the core of the body. Reducing blood pressure reactivity to epinephrine suggests that its stimulatory effect on the heart has decreased, so the heart can with-stand a large dose of adrenaline with extreme cold. This action is the cold heart of a face-saving high-dose epinephrine may, in our opinion, be used to treat cardiovascular disease. Application of 30-day cold adaptation, in our opinion, can serve as a universal means of preventing heart disease and nervous system.
Pages: 67-71
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