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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
saliva proteins
electrophoresis of proteins in polyacrylamid gel
simulating manned experiments
psychoemotional state
I.V. Grigoriev, V.V. Lapkovsky, I.A. Nichiporuk, G.U. Vasilieva
Carrying out of such unique experiments as «Mars 500» and following realization of the space flight to Mars and returning back demands rather careful selection of crewmembers. Along with purely professional and physical preparation in the first row of necessary qualities is a presence in candidates of a complex of certain psychological characteristics, in particular, such as high re-sistance to stress, ability to collective work, absence of conflict, etc. Until recent time only methods of psychological testing were applied for formation of psychologically harmonious collective. However, with development of an arsenal of means of the biochemical analysis it became possible in addition to existing methods to estimate a psychoemotional condition (PEC) and features of po-tential of mentality of the person by means of the analysis of dynamics of content of a secret of salivary glands.
Earlier high correlation of the maintenance of saliva proteins with molecular weights near to a range 55-60 кDA with PEC has been shown. The proteomic content of the mixed saliva (PCMS) reflects balance of parasympathetic and sympathetic compartments of autonomic nervous system influencing on personal PEC [4]. Thereupon, it is possible to estimate objectively a condition of psychoemotional sphere of the person using dynamics of PCMS changes.
Six healthy male-volunteers who were 105 days in confinement (closed space) had taken part in the present research. Study of their psychophysiological status and an actual mental condition (filling of 16-personal factor questionnaire by R.B. Cattell, [9, 10], a questionnaire «Supos-8» [11, 12]), and also collecting of the mixed saliva were regularly carried out.
The goal of the study was the analysis of the PCMS results and estimation of a condition of psychoemotional harmony in observed group.
Distinctions in quantitative structure of proteomic fraction 55 кDa in different members of crew have been shown as a result of the research, thus PEC of volunteers did not fall outside the normal range.
On the basis of the observations and results of cluster analysis of psychophysiological pa-rameters participants of experiment have been divided into three groups with psychologically similar conditions:
? Signs of balanced, stress-resistant, efficient mentality;
? Type of the mentality close to steady, but with lowered working capacity and stress-resistance in comparison with the first group (with possibility to express introversion);
? Mentality with high susceptibility to stress.
Revealed conclusions:
? The group of participants of experiment during the supervision period was not psychologi-cally homogeneous (essentially differed electrophoregrams of PCMS).
? Similarity PEC at microgroup-s level (similarity of PCMS-s electrophoregrams in members of microgroups) was observed.
? Rather high psychoemotional stability of volunteers (changes in each subject during time of experiment were smooth and relatively small) was marked. High linear correlations between psy-chological and biochemical characteristics of volunteers confirm earlier received results about es-sential influence of psychoemotional condition on secretion of saliva proteins.
Pages: 59-66
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