350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
N.V. Tolmacheva
Problems of qualitative and quantitative reproduction of population increase the significance of ecologo-physiological estimation of female reproductive health. While grouping regions of Chuvash Republic according to average long-term fertility rates, the limited territories with high in the range of 12.51-10.9 - fertility rate (ecologo-biogeochemical optimum zone) and extremely low of 5.68-7.38 - fertility rate (ecologo-biogeochemical distress zone) were established. From selective totality of «copy-pair» 24 practically healthy women at the age of 30-39 (12 women in each settlement) were examined. In groups of the examined blood and hair sampling were taken for determining 14 macroelements and trace elements (F, Co, Mo, Zn, Mn, Ca, Pb, Mg, Se, Si, Cd, J, Cr, Li, As) and hormones (testosterone, leptyn, prolactin, luteinizating hormone (LH), folliculinstimulating hormone (FSH). According to population-s contrasting fertility rates of some regions of Chuvashia the experimental conditions on experimental rats of Vistar-s lines for studying macroelements and trace elements influence on reproductive function were modeled. According to investigation-s results it was revealed that levels of macroelements and trace elements content in hair of comparative groups of practically healthy women were different. While studying hormones - levels it was also revealed that there were differences in content of testosterone, leptyn, prolactin, LH, FSH. The investigation showed the presence of strong direct correlation connection between content of silicon and testosterone and strong reverse correlation connection between contentof silicon and prolactin, between LH and FSH. While carrying on a number of experiments on animals, we succeeded in revealing fertility-s difference between experimental and control groups 2.5 times more, which was due to watery-dietary intake differing in content and ratio of macroelements and trace elements. By carried on experiments it was revealed that a whole complex of macroelements and trace elements and their ratios took part in forming physiological levels of sex hormones and making reproductive function of practically healthy women rather than separate elements, as it was considered earlier. Fertility rates of population of standard and comparative territories of Chuvash Republic were proved true by results of experimental investigations. The leading role of different ratios of trace elements in reproductive function was revealed. The comparative analysis of reproductive function in different ecologo-biogeochemical zones in practically healthy women and modeled animals allow considering levels of trace elements - content and ratio in water and diet to be optimal in the zone of ecologo-biogeochemical welfare. As the most objective optimality-s criterion it should be considered the indices of reproductive function of population. The given data explain the cause-effect relation between multifunctional abnormalities in reproductive function of women, living in ecologo-biogeochemical distress zone for a long time, from ecologo-physiological viewpoints of the considered problem. Our investigations showed that for solving the problem of demographic setting improving both in particular regions and in Russian Federation on the whole, the necessary step along with the complex of measures of public policy is making ecologo-biogeochemical zoning of limited territories. At the same time it is possible to choose the optimal ecologo-biogeochemical zone, and levels of trace elements - content and ratio in watery-dietary intake and blood serum of practically healthy population of this territory to be accepted as regional physiological standards. The given method allows working out complex measures of scientifically proved correction of trace elemental homeostasis, contributing to reproductive function increase of population.
Pages: 43-50
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