350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
V.I. Torshin, A.V. Kutenyov, T.V. Fedorovskaja, A.B. Radysh
We studied vegetative disorders at a suprasegmentary cardiodynia in the period of intensifying. 167 patients (58 men, 109 women) were inspected 59 from 21 to with надсегментарными cardiodynias, being on stationary treatment and inspection. Suprasegmentary cardiodynia was well-proven by means of instrumental medical methods of inspection. A control group consisted of 93 inspected in age from 20 61 to (58 women and 35 men). Pupillary reactions were investigated by means of pupillograph "Iritech DM - 2000", psychovegetetive status pain syndrome, regional neurodystrophy, angiodystony, dyshydrosis, veg-etative index. For patients with a suprasegmentary cardiodynia cases were considerably brief latent period of narrowing of pupil, time of narrowing of pupil but time of plateau and time of expansion of pupil are megascopic mainly on the left. For the patients of control group of change of pupils were statistically unreliable, the Comparative analysis of the obtained data showed that on the scale of pain all patients had mainly moderate pain in area of heart, prevailing at peace and increasing during the statodynamic loading Intensity on the scale of pain for patients in a group with a suprasegmentary cardiodynia 5,11±0,11 made point for men and 4,72±0,08 point - women. Showed researches of statics and dynamics, that values of myotonus neck and thoracal de-partments of backbone for patients with a suprasegmentary cardiodynia higher, and indexes of volume of motions, mobility and force of muscles - below, than in a control group. Found out by us the expressed decline of this index among patients with a suprasegmentary cardiodynia as compared to a control group. Especially differed in the worst side of description of bodily condition, limited everyday and labour activity. Value of estimation of feel, activity and mood for certain be-low, than at inspected in a control group. The analysis of index of vegetative balance showed that predominance of sympathetic com-ponent of the vegetative nervous system is characteristic for a basic group, here reliable statistical data of disbalance in a control group educed it was not. Distal hyperhydrosis of hands and lokal reactions of the angiodystonia was observed in a basic group mainly on the left. Prevalence of complications of dystrophycal diseases of backbone determines the search of new diagnostic methods. Research of the vegetative nervous system at a cardiodynia allows to specify reasons and development of this disease. It is possible to draw conclusion on the basis of the conducted research, that combination of emotional desadaptation, regional neurodystrophy, angiodystony, neuropupillar disorders on a background with hyperreactivity of sympathetic con-stituent of the vegetative nervous system and is characteristic for a suprasegmentary cardiodynia. Thus there is a lateralization of vegetative violations, namely predominance of left-side symptomatology, that allows to consider a suprasegmentary cardiodynia as one of appearances of vegetative asymmetry.
Pages: 20-23
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