350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
I.V. Radysh, F.Y. Daurova, T.N. Umnova, Y.P. Starshinov, M.V. Ambartsumyan
The results of the study of age-concentration of macro-and micronutrients in mixed saliva of healthy women. 82 healthy women aged 18 to 45 years who were divided into three age groups. We found that the values of the indices of Hygiene (IG) and bleeding (IR), the highest in the oldest age group, compared with other groups. This suggests that women older age group the level of oral hygiene corresponds to a satisfactory level. It was established that higher concentrations Ca, P, K, Cu, Mn, Si and Zn in mixed saliva were observed in women younger age group, and Mg, Na, Fe, Al, Cr, and Ni - the highest (p <0,05). At the same Ca / P ratio was significantly higher in women of middle age group compared with other groups. Thus, the findings suggest age-related changes of element exchange in mixed saliva of healthy women. The results of the study of age-concentration of macro-and micronutrients in mixed saliva of healthy women.
Pages: 7-10
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