350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
T.V. Koroteeva, N.V. Ermakova, E.V. Babkina, A.V. Kutenyov, V.A. Li
The article is devoted to study feature of the daily structure blood pressure in the women of differ-ent ethnic groups with neurocirculatory dystonia. The 83 healthy women volunteers (from them 45 Russian and 38 Greece) and 156 with neurocirculatory dystonia (from them 67 Russian and 65 Greece) aged 20 to 30 years in mid-follicular of the menstrual cycle in the spring were examined. Inspection was included the women having in three and more generations the parents of one nationality and living on one territory (living in Pyatigorsk and Essentuky) as minimum three generations. In group of the women with neurocirculatory dystonia studying parameters of ambulatory 24-hour blood pressure (BP) moni-toring (24-h BPM) was spent by before and after antihomotoxic therapy by complex biological preparations (Kralonin, Gormel S, Cerebrum compositum and Ovarium compositum). Is established, that in 86,6% of the healthy Russian and in 80% Greece the normal night de-crease blood pressure is observed, that the blood pressure for the type «dipper» testifies to normal-ization circadian rhythm. The statistical analysis 24-h BPM has shown, that in Russian group the daily structure of the SBP for the type «dipper» was observed in 67,1% of cases, «non-dipper» - in 28,4%, «over-dipper» - in 4,5% and daily structure of the DBP for a type «dipper» - in 80,6% and «non-dipper» - in 19,4%. In Greece group the daily structure of the SBP for the type «dipper» is revealed in 58,5% of cases and «non-dipper» - in 33,8%, «over-dipper» - in 7,7%, daily structure of the DBP for the type «dipper» - in 76,9% and «non-dipper» - in 23,1%. Under influence antihomotoxic therapy in the women with neurocirculatory dystonia the normalization in the night blood pressure was observed, that the systolic blood pressure for a type «dipper» testifies to increase circadian rhythm which is more expressed in Greece in comparison with Russian.
Pages: 20-24
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