350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
N.V. Zagorodniy, I.I. Radysh, A.S. Neverkovich
86 patients (53 men and 33 women) with break anterior cruciate ligament are surveyed which were divided into 2 groups: the first group (basic), consisting from 34 patients, reconstruction an-terior cruciate ligament was spent with the help of computer navigation (Orthopilot Aesculap) and use free autotrasplant from muscles. To the second group (control) consisting from 52 patients the operative treatment was spent standard by a way with use similar trasplant. The average age of the patients has made about 28 years (17 - 46 years). Is established, that the average number on the scale Lysholm in 1 year after realization of op-erative intervention has made in the first group 88,4±1,5 balls and in the second - 86,8±1,2 balls, and after 3 years reconstruction average meanings were equaled 95,4±1,2 and 91,2±1,2, accord-ingly, that corresponds to good result. The clinical inspection of the patients spent in 3 years after reconstruction anterior cruciate ligament, has shown, that in 75 % of the patients of 1-st group to forward displacement голени on the party operative of the knee joint makes 0-2 mm, and in 7 patients (22 %) - from 3 up to 5 mm. In the second group in 63,4 % and 30,7 %, accordingly. Thus, the carried out research has shown, that the basic advantage use of computer naviga-tion is repeatability. The computer navigation allows to exclude "a hand of the surgeon" and to de-fine maximum isometric situation of the trasplant, that results in its fast revascularization and reinervation. To lacks it is possible to attribute increase of time and cost price of operative inter-vention.
Pages: 15-19
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