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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
V.I. Torshin, E.Y. Kalashnikova, L.V. Shevchenko, A.I. Elfimov
We have investigated the functional role sinocarotid reflex zones in the formation of the symptoms of diabetes mellitus under the periodic action of hypoxia. Inactivation of the carotid receptors leads to changes in the composition of red blood cells, indicators of gas exchange and increase in blood glucose levels. Such changes can be character-ized as functional signs prediabetes. Simulation of experimental insulin-dependent diabetes melli-tus was performed by streptozotocin. Development of diabetes in animals after glomectomy ac-companied by more severe and reliable changes in the glycemic level, раrameters of gas exchange and red blood cells , compared with control animals. Application of moderate periodic hypoxia de-creases the severity of manifestations of diabetes. To a greater extent these positive influences were exposed to animals without carotid bodies. Believe that the use of hypoxic effects, along with specific therapy of diabetes may be helpful.
Pages: 3-6
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