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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Yu.I. Gurfinkel, O.V. Makeeva
Progress and prognosis of a diabetes type 2 depend on a degree of macro- and microcirculation changes, because all organs and tissues involve in pathological process.
The purpose of study: to reveal microcirculation features at patients with diabetes type 2.
Patients with diabetes (n=55) were divided into two groups: patients without hypertension (18 people) and patents with hypertension (n=37). Thirty three healthy volunteers formed control group. To study capillary blood flow in nail bed the computer capillariscope developed by Russian company «AET» was used. Microcirculation parameters, such as density of a capillary network, di-ameters of a capillaries in arterial, transition, and vein segments, width and length of a capillary loop, coefficient of remodeling of capillaries were determined.
Our study established at patients with diabetes type 2 remodeling and expressed tortuosity of capillaries manifested even at earlier stage of disease. Narrowing of capillary loops and rarefaction of a capillary network were also revealed.
Pages: 44-50
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