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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
B.Kh. Baziyan, M.E. Ivanova
There are more than 200 million blind and visually impaired people in the world. Nowadays different approaches exist in recovery of visual functions including gene engineering, stem cell transplantation, growth factor and other biological agents - application. This article is dedicated to visual prosthetics system, which can be useful in completely blind people, when brain-computer interface is implanted in the visual system. Several approaches are developed: retinal, cortical, implantation in optic nerve and lateral geniculate bodies. Cortical visual prosthesis consists of receptive, processing and stimulation units and based on phosphene vision. Major tasks which would be implemented with such prosthesis are skills of reading, face recognizing and orientation in space. Main research trends in cortical visual prosthesis are array resolution enhancement, programming interface development for better picture processing and estimation of safety features with further investigation in clinic. In neurocybernetics laboratory 13 felines were tested for their ability to develop conditional food-obtaining reflex in response to «phosphene model». 11 of the 13 tested animals qualified for the experiment and were implanted with either subdural/intracortical iridium-oxide microelectrode array or a single aureated silver electrode, in V1 primary visual cortex. Animals were divided into 4 groups based on the localization of the implant and the diameter of the electrodes (0.05, 0.2, or 1.0 mm). Implantations were controlled using stereotaxic atlas and visual evoked potentials. At the end of surgeries, cranium bones were sealed with acryl oxide adhesive. Follow-up period was 8-12 months. Three categories of parameters affecting phosphene perception were measured: 1) brain-computer interface parameters: position of microelectrode tip, diameter of electrodes, and number of stimulated electrodes (1-8); 2) major phosphene-evoking parameters: current strength, pulse duration and impedance for stimulated electrodes; 3) variables: frequency of stimulation, impulse polarity, and duration of train impulses. Preferable position of microelectrode tip was in 3rd-4th intracortical layers. Less current strength was needed with decrease in electrode diameter. Phosphene perception appeared when 3 or more electrodes were stimulated. Preferable frequency of stimulation was 25-100 Hz with bipolar -/+ impulses, at train duration of 1-2 s. Pulse duration was 0.3-1.0 ms for subdural and 0.1-0.5 for intracortical prostheses. Optimal intracortical current strength was 0.1-0.4 mA for 0.2-mm electrodes, and 0.02-0.1 mA for 0.05-mm electrodes. Subdural current strength was 1-4 mA for 1.0 mm electrodes, and 0.8-1.5 mA for 0.05-mm electrodes. Impedance for 0.05-mm electrodes achieved 50 kOm in 8 months after implantation, increasing a risk of neural cell damage. The obtained parameters allow for a long-term (up to 1 year) implantation of visual cortical prosthesis in felines. Further experiments are needed to evaluate longevity and longer-term biocompatibility of microelectrode arrays.
Pages: 18-29
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