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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
D.A. Magomedov
In the work is offered to expand element base of medico biological and ecological researches on the basis of parametrical systems, having included in it elements of biosystem (object or process) with variable in time parameters both electrical, and nonelectric nature. Elements of bioobject meanwhile can become, for exam-ple, a sell, area of biological tissue site, body, functional system, organism as a whole with the current laws of variation of influential parameters connected during realization of researches, connected to input or out-put circuits of electronic medical equipment depending on the current task (diagnostic or therapeutic). Par-ametrical elements in this case are offered to name as bioparametrical elements (BPE). In case of research of electrical activity biosystem BPE is presented as the block diagram reflecting varying in time electrical parameters, of its influential parameter. Depending on the kind of researching bioobject or process the bioparametrical elements, in the majori-ty, except electrical, have different nonelectric physical nature. It can be, for example, temperature, volumes of a body or tissue, mechanical dislocation, pressure, speed of movement of blood etc. In overwhelming ma-jority of cases registering parameters of organism and the processes occurring in it previously (before re-searches) are transformed in to electrical analogues. Taking into account the given circumstance and uncon-ditional advantages of such transformation, in the work is made the conclusion that BPE in this case should contain in its structure: а) Biological component (essentially, bioparametrical element); б) Technical component, transforming the current nonelectrical parameters into electrical analogues - parametrical measuring converter. Base bioparametrical elements are: а) bioparametrical active resistance (δ R); б) reactive resistance of capacitor and inductive character (δ Xc), (δ XL). The researches show, that application of the theory and practice of parametrical systems in the given field, certainly, have the advantages and prospects.
Pages: 51-55
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