350 rub

Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
project - Mars-500?
105-day experiment
heart rate
prenosological state
health level
influence of North
Yu.G. Solonin, A.L. Markov, E.R. Bojko
First stage of - Mars-500 - experiment was conducted in the northern Russia (Syktyvkar) from April till July 2009. 20 male participants, age from 25 to 49, were included in the study. The study was performed using methods proposed by Institute of medicobiological problems of Russian Academy of Science (Moscow). These methods were similar to procedures carried out in main experiment in model of "martian" spaceship. Special hardware-software complex - Ecosun-2007 - was used for prenosological health control. Along with this complex conventional methods were applied. The group under study was characterized by average height and increased weight. Body mass index was higher than upper norm limit. Subjects had good tolerance to hypoxemia in Stange-s test, high Skibinskaya index and cardiorespiratory Samko index. At the same time they had decreased dynamometric index, vital capacity index, health level (according to Apanasenko), slowed sensomotor reactions that is typical for residents of the North. Participants of the study had normal heart rate, arterial blood pressure, functional changes index, "Miocard", stress-index, regulatory systems activity value, arrhythmia degree, centralization index. Dynamic assessments revealed stability of the most of the values. Significant deviations were observed only for HR,body temperature, complicated visual-motor reactions and "Rhythm" value. Thus complex of methods and hardware-software equipment allow to perform complex assessment of cardiovascular system and other physiological systems, health level, to carry out prenosological diagnostics in long-term dynamic studies. In present study the influence of seasonal factor, room microclimate and some features of human physiology of residents of the North were displayed.
Pages: 36-39
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